
Prussia x Reader - The 'whys' of love

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Céu, porque tão convulso e consternado
Me bate, ao vê-la, o coração no peito?
Porque pasma, entre os beiços congelado,
Indo a falar-lhe, o tímido conceito?
(God, why so agitated and beaten
Beats, at her sight, the heart in my chest?
Why it stops, frozen between the lips,
Starting to speak to her, the shy concept?)

It had happened again, even though it was the first time happening during a world meeting, the words had gotten stuck in his his throat, unable to come out.
Everytime he'd try to talk to her, his heart started to beat faster, faster than he thought possible, faster than he believed to be healthy.
"Gilbert!" Her voice echoed on his ears, the concern about his frozen state clearly showing. "Are you okay?" She asked, waving a hand in front of the male's ruby coloured eyes.
Prussia blinked, he was surprised at himself, he couldn't be his usual loud self around (country), no matter how much he tried. But why? He knew the answer, even if he wasn't able to admit it.
"Ja!" He answered, quietly returning to his seat, on the opposite table, near his best friends, Antonio and Francis.

Porque nas áureas ondas engolfado
Da caudalosa trança, inda que afeito,
Me naufraga o juízo embelezado,
E em ternura suavíssima desfeito?
(Why does in the golden waves absorbed
Of the long tress, even if accostumed,
My adorned judgement sink
And in suave tenderness comes undone?)

Her (h/c) (h/l) hair, he had lost himself yet again, thinking of how it would be like to caress her hair softly with his rough hand. Maybe the tresses of (h/c) hair could soft his skin as his hands ran through it. He had always imagined the touch of her hair as soft as the touch of a feather, if not more.
Around him, Gilbert coukd hear France and Spain talking, probably scheeming again; he didn't pay them any attention, not even to the small yellow bird chirping worriedly while flying around his head.
A sigh escaped the male's lips.

Porque a luz de seus olhos, tão activa,
Por lânguida inda mais encantadora,
Me cega, e por a ver, ansiosa, clamo?
(Why does the light of thy eyes, so active,
For languid even more enchanting,
Blind me, and for see her, anxious, I cry?)

He had now caught her eyes, he couldn't divert his gaze away, he was too entranced in the pools of (e/c). Even when she noticed his stare, he did not turn away; only finding himself more and more lost in the (e/c) orbs.
Possibly a bit too self-conscious, he couldn't be sure, a heavy blush spread itself on the (skin/colour) cheeks as (f/n) turned her gaze to the papers resting on the table in front of her. Her change didn't pass unnoticed by Taiwan and Hungary, who were sitting on each side of (country); the german observed with a light smile tugging on his lips as the other females playfully teased the (nationality).
His own behaviour didn't go unnoticed by his best friends. Antonio and Francis had their share of fun teasing him about his strange manners whenever he was around (f/n).

Porque da mão nevada sai tão viva
Chama, que me electriza e me devora?
Os mesmos meus 'porquês' me dizem: - Amo!
(Why does from the snowy hand comes so alive
Flame, that electrizes and devours me?
My same 'whys' tell me: - I love!)

The meeting had come to an end. In the prussian's head, he thought he was pitiful; even with his well-known personality, he couldn't say a word to the one person it really mattered to him.
His friends were already outside of the building, waiting for him to join them.
As he was about to exit the room someone grabbed his arm, the touch sent a spark shooting through his body; he knew exactly who had stopped him from continuing on his way outside, only the touch of one person gave him such a sensation, her touch.
"Why do you not talk to me anymore?" The tone of her voice sent a wave of guilt through the german; her voice was trembling, almost as if she could burst in tears at any moment.
His gaze was fixed on the floor, he really believed he wasn't able to answer; but that belief of his suddenly crashed as the girl's soft sobs and crying reached his ears. She tried to run away, but his hand caught her arm and pulled her into his arms, into a warm embrace.
This was the time, he knew it; with all the courage he could muster, he finally spoke the words he had been holding in for so long. He leaned closer to her ear. He whispered to her how her hair always entranced him like the waves of the sea he loved to sail; how her eyes were always so deep and full emotions, and how he could get lost in them for days, if not more; how her touch ignited such a powerful spark in him, causing the feeling of a flame shooting through his body, warming his whole being; how the mere sight of her could cause him to loose all his courage and boldness, but also could replenish his strenght and make him believe everything to be possible. And, finally, he spoke the words that had been haunting him for years...
"I love!" He stated. "I love you!"


This poem is a portuguese one.

Original title: "Os porquês do amor"
Translated title: "The 'whys' of love"

Author: José Anastácio da Cunha
© 2014 - 2024 Sophie-Frost
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